Monday, August 6, 2018

Tomato time!

Delayed post - Here's the CSA box from the week of July 21"

So, what have we got?
  • 4 oz of honey from the busy, busy bees at Guilford
  • 1 lb tomatillos
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes
  • 1 lb potatoes
  • various peppers
  • 2 lbs slicing tomatoes (at least one Cherokee Purple!)
  • okra
  • one bunch amaranth or callaloo greens
  • Bunch basil
So the tomatoes are coming on in a big way.  Tonight I made a tomato salad I love with 1 lb of the slicing tomatoes.  It's from my cooking boyfriend David Lebowitz' blog.  Here's a link.  I usually cut the tomatoes into chunks and add a little sliced basil. Yummy!

We had it with brats from PTB Farm and some Italian sausages from Giacomo's along with some lovely corn from Rudd's Farm (at the Greensboro Farmers Curb Market):